RobEh Politico
News • Politics • Science & Tech
Personal opinions, thoughts, observations, and expressions of my morals, beliefs, rights and freedoms that I am entitled to have, hold, and discuss.

I am a right leaning moderate conservative who is also a strong Libertarian.
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October 01, 2022
So Close...

Dang it! I am so close to be considered disruptive. I will strive to do better.


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Finally, my Laptop is fixed.

After months without my laptop out of service it finally got repaired today. The motherboard was back-ordered for months and I had to use my phone for everything.

This is the first issue I have had with Dell. This is the 4th Laptop I have had with them, and several desktops in the past. I was extremely unhappy with the time-frame it took to get the new board and I will shop around when I am ready to replace it.

October 01, 2022

"No man is free who is not master of himself."



September 28, 2022
Live with Alison Morrow
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